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[Alpine] [Topic Unique] A110 2: la résurrection

C'est la pure avec les jantes de 17"?
Alpine A110 Pure

Mégane 4 GT TCe - 83'000km, Clio 2.2 1.4 16V - 250'000km
ça ne ressemble pas à des jantes de 17" ça non ? ça m'a l'air plutôt 18 ou 19 à vue de nez ?
Il y a bien des jantes de 17" à 10 branches en "entrée" de gamme. Sur les photos, on ne se rend pas forcément bien compte à quel point l'A110 est petite/basse.

clic pour agrandir
Le gras, c'est la vie
Dernière édition par larry.kubiak le Mar 17 Juil, 2018 10:07; édité 1 fois
Non, ce sont bien des 18"

Ce sont les mêmes que sur la première édition mais pas bicolore
Dernière édition par clioRSfan le Mar 17 Juil, 2018 17:07; édité 2 fois
Les mêmes ici sur une bleue image
clioRSfan Tu n'aurais pas une photo de l'alpine avec les jantes de 17?
Alpine A110 Pure

Mégane 4 GT TCe - 83'000km, Clio 2.2 1.4 16V - 250'000km
Oui, voilà :
Dernière édition par clioRSfan le Mer 18 Juil, 2018 16:07; édité 1 fois
Etonament je trouve les 17 plus jolie que les 18 forgées.
Alpine A110 Pure

Mégane 4 GT TCe - 83'000km, Clio 2.2 1.4 16V - 250'000km
Visite en images de la chaine de fabrication de l’Alpine A110 version XXIe siècle :
On est quasiment au niveau du Cayman en termes de volumes de ventes en Europe, c'est très bon !
'20 Tesla Model3 SR+ (Irlandaise)
'85 Super 5 TC (Française)
'86 Alliance DL Convertible (import US) -> En vente
comme je regrette d'avoir annulé ma résa... Mais bon, ce sera pour la S :cool2:
Membre d'honneur
Message Lun 20 Aoû, 2018 21:08
Y a pas à dire.. y a quand même un air de famille :D

ça change des "new machin" "new truc" qui ne ressemble plsu du tout à l'original.. (tout en gardant le nom).
Megane 3 tce
Clio 3 dci
Kangoo 3 tce
Dernière édition par clioRSfan le Mer 22 Aoû, 2018 16:08; édité 1 fois
le pneu Michelin PS4 de l'Alpine A110 nous dévoile ses secrets :
Dernière édition par clioRSfan le Dim 26 Aoû, 2018 19:08; édité 1 fois
Vu sur le forum d' :

Intéressant, une propriétaire Anglais d'Exige Sport 380 et ex-propriétaire d'Evora 400 a pris livraison de son A110 et ses premiers retours sont très intéressants:

Premier témoignage :

So with a couple of hundred miles under the belt it was time to open the car up a bit tonight as the roads were relatively dry. Christ this car flies. Did a 30 mile route on some country roads that have some pretty demanding bumps and camber changes and this car soaked it up and put down the power down no problems.

After test driving a 718 Boxster for missus, I can without doubt say this car is faster and for the money much better specced,. Definitely rides better than Porsche on non PASM suspension. Also the exhaust makes a great sound.

Defintely way better than Alfa 4C as well imho.

I have no doubt there is no car that matches this car as a sports car package at around £50k. Very few cars would keep up with it on twisty country roads.

I can honestly say for road use only if I could have the Alpine package in an Exige body, I would take it all day long over my current Exige. And my Alpine is £52k all in. Lotus really are missing a trick not having a lightweight 2 seater sports car that is comfortable, easy to get in and out of, and has all the latest mod cons. The auto box on the Alpine wipes the floor with the Exige IPS , although Evora 400 Auto is on par. The seats in the Alpine would be so much better than the seats in the Evora 410.

Hopefully Lotus will secretly buy one of these cars, disect it , take all the good bits then wrap it with the Lotus look and sprinkle with Hethel magic. Would be one hell of a car if they priced it competitively.

So at the moment have a bit of a dilemma. Prefer the looks of Lotus cars, but the Alpine package is great value for money. With only 130 cars in the UK I’ll be up front and say I’m tempted to flip it for a profit if available. If not, keep a great car that will be a rare sight into 2019. First world problems hey

Second témoignage :

So after 250 miles in the car I can 100% say this car could be used as a daily driver with ease. In fact with the extra gizmos, screens, controls to hand etc it is more sensible than an Evora in that respect, with what appears to be decent mpg when not pressing on.

The seats are very comfortable and supportive, the gearbox is great in auto or fun in manual mode, the sound system is much better than the Lotus. Driving the car at night shows the lights are very good. Wish I could say the same for the Exige

Took the car for a 40 mile run today choosing some of my favourite local twisty roads. The car is very playful at the limit , but still composed. It really can be hustled along at some serious speed. The word “fun” keeps coming to mind, so very similar to Lotus in that respect. The passive suspension does a very good job of keeping the car planted even over the bumpy stuff.

Very impressed still. Enough to keep me away from Lotus though ? Hmm that’s an interesting one. I prefer the looks of my Exige for sure, and when I’m in the mood for a track session or fast blat it’s the car to take. However there are days where I miss my Evora 400 for comfort and the auto box.

Where the Alpine is causing a bit of dilemma is it’s easily as comfortable as the Evora , but has the advantage of flicking to sports mode and using the paddles in manual mode to be as much fun as an Elise and not too far off an Exige on the road. It really is a Jekyll and a Hyde car. Just doesn’t have the Lotus looks though, albeit still a stunning car in its own rights.

Either way great for petrol heads to have another choice in the market place and good for Lotus to have some competiton to keep them on their toes.
Dernière édition par clioRSfan le Mar 28 Aoû, 2018 19:08; édité 1 fois

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