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[Laguna II] Question branchement ipod

Excuse me for writing in English, I could try some French later, but maybe some people speak English better than I speak French.


I have a Laguna II Initiale (Phase 2, 2005) with the Cabasse/Carminat sound system (amplifier in the glovebox and 6 CD mp3 changer in the dashboard area). This has a joystick control on the armrest area, I believe you have the same system too?

In the UK, we have very little information on these cars, so I thought I would try a French forum, if you don't mind.

I would like to plug in my Ipod to this system, is it possible? I see lots of threads about Ipod connections but can't work out enough whether this applies to the Laguna II phase 2 system in my car, since most of it refers to the Espace or Vel Satis. What are my options please, if you can help, thank you?

I am also looking for a replacement brand new ashtray part (below the card reader) because mine is scratched, but Renault shops here want £50 (60 euros!). Does anybody have one for sale?

Thanks, and once again I apologise for writing in English, I shall try some French later if I fail to get any responses.


Edit ProV1 : correction du titre.
Dernière édition par ProV1 le Ven 13 Fev, 2009 16:02; édité 1 fois
Membre d'honneur
Message Ven 13 Fev, 2009 16:02
Hello and welcome on Planète renault :D .

I think that your system is the same as the one on the Espace and the Vel Satis.

So I think that this topic would give you the response.
2.0 dCi inside.
Merci beaucoup...!

I really am grateful for your help, I will work my way through that thread and see if I can understand what I need to do (I have a few questions about it, but I know the answers are in the thread and it is just my lack of French that causes a problem!). Once understood and if I find it to work, I will do a post on in English on how it is done.

Could you possibly tell me what the French call the ashtray? The part that has the 12v cigaratte lighter in the front of the car? I haven't managed to work out an accurate translation.

Thanks once again.

ProV1 a écrit:
Hello and welcome on Planète renault :D .

I think that your system is the same as the one on the Espace and the Vel Satis.

So I think that this topic would give you the response.
Membre d'honneur
Message Sam 14 Fev, 2009 10:02
Ashtray = cendrier
The part that has the 12v cigaratte lighter in the front of the car = allume-cigare or allume-cigares
2.0 dCi inside.
Thank you! I am unable to locate (on etc.) the front ashtray part, as shown in the photograph below:

I just need the plastic part as it is scratched on my car.

Thanks again.
Is there a guide for how to remove the amplifier in the glovebox somewhere?

I really wish my French was better, there is so much fantastic information on this website.

Somebody from ebay in the UK has looked at the other thread for me (who has an understanding of the Cabasse stereos) and thinks the rest is possibly correct:

"The connections for the Audio input are clear: R+ goes to yellow plug # 2, L+ goes to Yellow plug # 4, R- & L- go to Yellow plug # 1 with a jumper across to # 3.

The other 2 connections (yellow plug # 5 & 6) I'm still slightly confused on - if I understand correctly, you have to take a wire from earth (either from an earth wire, or from something metal in the car) to terminal # 5 of the yellow plug, and a switched +12V wire from somewhere behind the radio to terminal # 6 of the yellow plug - so you are feeding +12V into terminal 6. That would agree with the photo of the 12.04 V being measured between # 5 & # 6. The voltage being applied to terminal # 6 seems to be what 'activates' the AUX option in the headunit - so without it you cannot access the AUX option."

Is that correct? If so:

Connection 1: Left channel - negative
Connection 2: Right channel + positive
Connection 3: Right channel - negative (connected to Connection 1)
Connection 4: Left channel + positive
Connection 5: Negative ground (for example, from the feed to the radio)
Connection 6: Positive supply (for example, from the feed to the radio).

Is the understanding of this French correct? I shall try to re-read it myself and see if I agree with it.

Nobody? :(
mes amis!

Pour le Laguna II.2 (2005) Initiale avec le systeme Cabasse/Carminat, c'est bonne?

Connection 1: gauche -
Connection 2: droite +
Connection 3: driote - negative (aussi avec 1)
Connection 4: gauche +
Connection 5: -12v
Connection 6: +12v

C'est tout?

Aidez-moi si c'est possiblement s.v.p?

Message Mar 21 Dec, 2010 09:12
Je déterre ce post car j'ai trouvé ça:

et c'est marrant c'est le meme gars!
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