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en resume sur un forum ricain on appelle a boycoter NISAN parce qu'il appartient a RENAULT : extrait
Subject: Boycott Nissan
Author: ..
Date Posted: 1/26/2003 4:41:34 PM
Message: French are acting like id!ots lately. Nissan is owned by Renault and Renault is owned by french government. So I say phuck those cheese and snail eating stupids, stop supporting their government.
Author: sean
Date Posted: 1/26/2003 5:17:40 PM
Message: Yes F**K French, they dont like US, oh well they are not getting our dollars then
Author: Not that simple!
Date Posted: 1/26/2003 7:15:11 PM
Message: I'm supposing that you are referring to the french government opposition to war with Irak, you should know that our own government supported Sadam dictatorship by secretly and illigally shipping arms to that country under president Reagan, same thing with Bin Laden and so many more, I'm afraid America is not a force for democracy in the world, if we support mad dogs we should not be surprised to get bitten once in a while. In the last war with Irak, Saddam was finished but we decided to spare him for stragical reasons, did you know that two months before 9/11,Bin Laden was in an american hospital (a wanted man for the previous attacks on america!)and had a friendly visit from the cia.
Author: We are supposed to believe
Date Posted: 1/26/2003 10:25:54 PM
Message: the Internet Historian ramblings of someone who cannot even spell Iraq?
Author: sean
Date Posted: 1/26/2003 10:45:38 PM
Message: Guess who was building nuclear reactors in Iraq? You know those that Israel bombed and destroyed in the 80's. Yes French helped Saddam to build those reactors. Thank God that Israel bombed them. F**k french.
aller je sait que ce n'et pas mon rolle de modo mais bon vennez pourrir leur forum !
la ->
que l'invasion commence
Clio RS une voiture qu'elle est bien pour la conduire