Salut Ralphi,
Ta théorie sur la classification des huiles est FAUSSE. Va voir le site ACEA (en Anglais seulement) avant d'écrire n'importe quoi !
A/B : gasoline and diesel engine oils
A1/B1 Oil intended for use in gasoline and car + light van diesel engines specifically designed to be capable of using
low friction low viscosity oils with a High temperature / High shear rate viscosity of 2.6 to 3.5 mPas.s. These oils may be
unsuitable for use in some engines. Consult owner manual or handbook if in doubt.
A3/B3 Stable, stay-in-grade oil intended for use in high performance gasoline and car + light van diesel engines and/or
for extended drain intervals where specified by the engine manufacturer, and/or for year-round use of low viscosity oils ,
and/or for sever operating conditions as defined by the engine manufacturer.
A3/B4 Stable, stay-in-grade oil intended for use in high performance gasoline and direct injection diesel engines, but
also suitable for applications described under B3.
A5/B5 Stable, stay-in-grade oil intended for use at extended drain intervals in high performance gasoline and car + light
van diesel engines designed to be capable of using low friction low viscosity oils with a High temperature / High shear
rate viscosity of 2.9 to 3.5 mPa.s. These oils may be unsuitable for use in some engines. Consult owner manual or
handbook if in doubt.