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[international]proposition d'idées

etes vous pour ou contre une (petite) rubrique en anglais?
oui 100% [ 13 votes ]
si c'est pas oui, c'est non alors cliquez ici 0% [ 0 votes ]
Total des votes : 13
Membre d'honneur
Dim 14 Mar, 2004 18:03
un poisson
the fish

le mouton
the sheep

un lapin
a rabbit

le chat
the cat
Dim 14 Mar, 2004 18:03
lappin + rabbit = rabbin.....

Membre d'honneur
Dim 14 Mar, 2004 18:03
Very well

Membre d'honneur
Sam 27 Mar, 2004 23:03
yes, i have a very good english but a English topic's is perhaps a goog idea. In this means, PR can be read all the world and not only in france !

Goognight !
Dim 28 Mar, 2004 09:03
RenaulTIME a écrit:
yes, i have a very good english but a English topic's is perhaps a goog idea. In this means, PR can be read all the world and not only in france !

Goognight !

thats the purpose....