Donc si j'ai tout compris, tu voudrais savoir quand sortira le M4R sur Clio III
Je dirais qu'il faut savoir être patient et que toutes bonnes choses doit se laisser désirer
Well, Roland, I think nobody knows when the M4R will be commercialised (october, next year, ...)
I found a link (it's written in French and it was written in February...) which talks about the new M4R, but there's no announcment concerning a possible commercialisation's date, it's only written "soon" :
I hope there are no problems with the new gearboxes
Thanks a lot for the news - even they are bad news.
I can't understand how a company of the size and the renomée of Renault can dare to have such bad information politics / PR.
2 months ago it was really fun to start looking for a new car.
In the meanwhile I really think about, driving my old one 'til I have to shoot it.
I'm fed up with all the news of the car dealers. 50% is false (and the dealer does not know that is false) and the other - name it - 48% are lies.
Now-a-days it's really hard work to spend something like 20.000€.
Oui mais en bva, quatre rapports, c'est vraiment juste surtout que Renault dispose d'une nouvelle bva6 de qualité. Peugeot lui mettra sa boite pilotée 6 vit. Alors le choix sera cornélien entre le coeur et la raison.