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[Autre] Renault celebrates its 10,000th crash test at Lardy

Lun 27 Nov, 2006 09:11
Renault celebrates its 10,000th crash test at Lardy

Renault made its 10,000th crash test on 18 November 2006 at the Lardy Technical
Center. The event was an opportunity to applaud the work of the hundreds of men
and women who have been improving Renault safety for over 50 years.

Committed to a policy of permanent progress

Renault created the Lardy Technical Center in the Paris region in 1951 to conduct tests on future vehicles and make its first crash tests.

Over the years, research and technical advances have improved the efficiency of impact tests. In 50 years, Renault engineers have tested nearly 11,000 vehicles, made over 100,000 videos, taken almost 500,000 photos and analyzed more than one million measurements.
Renault has been making virtual crash tests for a number of years to complement real-life testing, using these digital techniques to broaden its research areas. These tests (around 300 real and 4,500 virtual tests a year), along with the precious information gathered at accident sites, are analyzed and shared by the LAB* and used to design safety systems that correspond with the reality of road accidents.
A leading player in automotive safety, Renault has been manufacturing vehicles with the highest active and passive safety levels for a number of years.

* Laboratory of Accident Research, Biomechanics and the Study of Human Behavior, common to Renault and PSA Peugeot Citroën.

Further, Renault made the commitment in 2000 to take part in an awareness-raising program on road safety for young people. The international “Safety for All” program has already touched more than 8 million children in 21 countries.

source: renault.com
Dernière édition par cmandrei le Lun 27 Nov, 2006 09:11; édité 1 fois
Lun 27 Nov, 2006 12:11
Pour ceux qui ont des problèmes dans la compréhension de l'anglais (comme moi !)